Sunday, October 9, 2011

weekends with hatred and dissapoitment.

ntah la..
payah memulakan kata2..even itsworse..
and its happen again and again,..
hati ini bagai tawar,..jiwa ini bagai luluh dengan apa yg jadi..
its totally not me..
im a happy mum with 2 kids that showered with full of love,..
tapi saat ini,..airmata terlalu laju..
mencurah2 tanpa kenal erti jemu.

just lupakan apa yg dirasai ini,..move move away
perasaan itu sgt sakit,..bagai disiat2,..aku kena prepare untuk move on selepas ni..
dan apa yg aku lalui..kegetiran ini andai Dia mengetahui betapa sakitnyer 
perasaan ini..
mungkin padanya, : itu cuma perbuatan kecil..
tapi tahukah kamu wahai lelaki,..
sakitnyer bila jiwa ini diguris sebegitu rupa..
kau bagai kejam dlm keadaan ku begini,..
ini yg kau curahkan,..

ya Allah,.
aku berdoa padamu,,
panjangkan la jodoh kami..
berikan la yg terbaik dalam hidup ini..
terlalu byk pengorbanan yg telah kulakukan untuk menjadikan hbgn ini yg terbaik..
andai ini
takdir nya..
aku pasrah..

:(jika kau kekasih/linda nuwawil)

tidakkah terasa beban yang aku pikul
menyiksa jiwaku kekasih
kenapa kau tak panah merasakan

dan jika kau kekasih yang menyayangi aku
harus kau mengerti hatiku
itu hanya apa yang ku impikan


bilakah kau mengerti...

kata hati merayu aku pergi
meninggalkan dirimu
tapi ku tak berdaya
mengapa kasih, harus ku alami..
setelah aku korban segala-galanya
sanggup ku harungi hidup
bersama dirimu meninggalkan
semua yang aku cintai...ho..ho...

jika kau kekasih senangkanlah hidupku
jangan biar ku begini
hidup di dalam kerungsingan kasih

jika kau kekasih yang menyayangi aku
harus kau mengerti hatiku..
itu hanya apa yang ku impikan

Thursday, October 6, 2011

beribu jacylyn victor,ning baizura n shilla hamzah..

kususuri malam ini,..yang tidak berbintang sunyi sepi..
juga rembulan dah menghilang,..dalam kelam ku sendiri..

ku mencari hembus bayu,..yang selalu berbisik madah rindu..
kini membisu dalam sayu,..tidakku temu suaramu..

kekasih ku dijalanan yg berliku,..
disaat ku perlukan mu..tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu..
disini ku tersedu sedu,..setelah cinta pergi,..
ku mengusung duka ini..diiringi..kisah janji dimungkiri lagi...

(my best part)
sia siaku..mencintaimu...setia padamu,.percayakan mu..sebak dadaku..
retak hatiku,..luka jiwaku..dihiris pilu..
beribu sesalan ku...

Segalanye berakhir disini..itu kata dia.

sgt berat untuk diluahkan dengan kata2..saya amat kesian dengan keadaannyer,..wanita yg tgh pregnant kan kasih sayang mereka,dalam masa yg sama,..dia cuma insan biasa yg menharapkan kasih dan sayang seorang suami,..tempat menumpang kasih..tempat untuk berkongsi masa depan bersama suami tercinta dan anak2 yg masih kecil tp kesudahan nye,dia makin merana depan mata saya sendiri.
dia merana dr segi emosi,..dia merana kerana suaminye baik didepan bagaikan malaikat, dia ditipu hidup2 oelh dusta dusta yg bersusun oleh suami nya itu..dalam masa yg sama dia selalu dipersalahkan atas apa juga sebab,..atas apa jua keadaan yg menjadi..dalam masa yg sama suaminya tidak pernah menerima keluarga seadanya..ada sahaja yg tidak kena terutama pada ibu dia sendiri..dia sebagai isteri selalu menahan hati menahan telinga dengan kata kata nista si suami..aduhai kawanku..andai kau tahu..
aku terlalu pedih melihat derita mu..
tapi andai kata anda sebagai wanita memiliki suami yg baik didepan,mengasihi dalam masa yg sama berlagak poker face,..sentiasa menipu dan sentiasa suka mencari wanita2 lain untuk mengisi ruang inbox or ruang peribadi laman facebook dengan kata2 lucah..dengan kata2 nasty..kata2 nakal memikat wanita lain..anda sebagai individu,adakah anda sebagai isteri yg mungkin sentiasa tidak kedekut duit berhabis tenaga bekerja berhempas pulas untuk keluarga,..dapat menahan diri dalam menahan hati dengan karenah sang buaya suami itu..?
bukan sehari dua tapi sudah 10 thn keadaan dia berterus terusan begitu..
wajibkah dia terus bertahan?
mampukah hatinya terus menerus menahan..?
pertikaian demi pertikaian la sebagai wanita semesti nyer dia punyai rasa kasih dan cemburu..punyai rasa kecewa bila mengetahui kasih suaminye lebih kepada wanita2 yg juga bertopengkan nafsu terutama ketika bercyber chat..suami turut menipu dirinye bila telefon bimbit kian bervibrate dengan message2 ala sayang mungkin salah org jer tu..
pelbagai nickname yg keluar dr screen handphone..penuh dengan nama2 yg tidak seakan pasti..
dan bila ditanya seawal pagi..nama pena lelaki yg terpapar di screen..memberi misscall..
memberi pesanan ringkas..jawab sisuami..
"siapa suruh awak check inbox saya,..kan awak sendiri yg da sakit hati.."
wau..pada saya itu garapan pembohongan yg amat nyata.
sedarilah wahai lelaki ,wahai suami..
wanita juga menpunyai akal fikiran,.punya erti kasih..punya erti untuk dicintai seikhlas hati..
apa yg anda lakukan..fikirkan jika ia berlaku kepada anak gadis anda..
ditipu bakal suaminye..apa yg akan anda lakukan sebagai seorg menteri dalam negeri anda sendiri..
mesti panas hati menahan hati kan..
sedari la..
kerana bila kasih itu sudah berakhir,..bila kesabaran itu sudah berpenhujunh,..memang pasti tiada jalan dan ruang lagi untuk berpaling..dan bila semuanyer telah musnah..hati itu telah hancur..
baru anda sedar dalam nyata anda kehilangan segala galanya.
kenapa perlu untuk terus menerus menipu..jika anda sendiri tiada kebahagiaan lg..tiada ruang lg untuk perhubungan itu..kenapa masih perlu untuk terus meneruskan perhubungan yg memakan diri..?
pikirkan jalan terbaik untuk diri anda. ;)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

birthday party eeya at ucu house tmn impian ehsan,sri kembangan..

my beautiful niece has turn to 5 by this year...masih ingat lagi ketika dia lahir,..and my lovely cuzzy tgh berpantangkan eeya,..waktu itu past 5yrs ago,..aku tgh sibuk2 untuk persiapan perkahwinan ni..da besar da dia skarang ni..and in the same time setelah lama,..x jenguk ucu,..smalam kami berkumpul reramai di rumah ucu di tmn impian ehsan,sri kembangan..
 the best part selepas sekian lama x jumpa dengan nabilla..right now she so slim..omg,x tahu ler dia makan apa..ucu says that shes about 92 kg last 2yrs ago and rite now she able to hit 50 kg..looks,..this is the affords that peeps always say..she not eating rice bout 2yrs..alamak,..jawabnyer mmg saya x kan kurus la ea..hehehe
birthday party eeya cums with syawal visit at ucu house..

eeya selepas ditenangkan oleh my cuzzy ,jaja

Eeya da ok..hehe..dia da nak tiup candle cuba tgk si zidane..pandangan geram jer ngn candle tu..
my beautiful niece,aliya whos turn 5. ;)
enjoy the pics ea..wiill update later on..(kat opis nie)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

week 25th of my pregnancy..

Your little grower’s physical proportions are pretty much birth-ready and most of their remaining development will largely be weight gain and a ton of nervous system development.
The good news is: if your child were to be born premature, they’d likely survive without much trauma as their lungs started producing “surfactant” last week, which means their tiny respiratory system is getting stronger with each passing day.
Yes, now’s a good time for a minor sigh of relief and a quick pat on the back. All that hard work and conscientious living is really getting your child prepared for a healthy delivery.
In mobile-fetus news: your baby should be scootching slowly out of the breech position (head upright, with their butt-n-legs down by your pelvis) and start rotating around for a head-first exit through the birth canal.
If all goes well, and your little womb hi-jacker isn't a contrary one, they'll be locked-n-loaded in the next few weeks!
Time is short (or really long, depending on who you ask) — just (still!) 14 weeks left before you can go back to being a single-resident human... with one tiny brand-spankin' new family member!

kau manusia spycho.(!)

aku pelik sgat ngn manusia zaman sekarang ni..
kadang2 adik beradik bergado kerana sekankang kera tanah..
dan adakala nyer adik beradik sanggup memecahbelahkan siaturahim antara anak dengan ibu..
x apalah ibu ku..
apa yg terjadi kita sentiasa happy dengan family kita..
sabar la agar segala yg mereka telah lakukan pada kita suatu hari nanti..pihak di sana akan nampak
kebenaran nya..
biar la apa yg berlaku kita ambil ikhtibar dan biar la apa yg mereka buruk kan dan sentiasa x kena dengan kita,..kita terima dengan redha dan rela..
but for you that have hurt my mum,..
dunia ni luas key..x perlu la nak hipokrit sgt la apa yg telah kau lakukan pada aku,dan ibuku..
bila suatu hari Allah membalas agar waktu itu kau akan bangkit dan sedar bahawa its such damn hurt us ..and please you will always be forgiven but i will always remember what you have done to us.


Friday, September 16, 2011

my resolution on this year..instead of langkawi on june..we fly to Singapore on june 2011..

disebabkan kebusian yg melanda sentiasa..
dan selalu la jugak melupakan blog ni..
alhamdullillah..we,..all of,hb n kids terbang ke kota singa pada june yg lepas..
we have a fantastic placed visit,..faboulous holiday and kids way havin joy dkt universal studio..

enjoy the pic ea guys..will write everything later on because im bzzz with sasha here at offices and job load yg x pernah finish( numbers la apa la lg keje aku ni kan..)

bekerja bersama sha on saturday..

yesterday nite while she's in bed,..she ask me..
ibu..kakak sayang ibu tau..(ayat permulaan)..esok kakak x nak ge umah mama ida..kakak nak duduk rumah jer dgn ibu ngn adieb..kalo ibu keje esok..bole x kakak nak ikut ge school ibu esok?..
sebenarnyer da byk kali she ask me to visit my off places..and she was so thrilled when i said.. okey esok kakak follw ibu ge offices key..
early in the morning..
ibu ..kakak da bangun ni..kakak mandi air hujan ye..(shower. ;) then kakak siap2 kita ge school ibu..
itu la perangai anak kecil ku yg ages bout 3yrs and half ni..tapi budak2 skarang kita x bole nak lupa pada janji komfem2 dia akan ingat apa yang kita janji kan..hehe..
sampai kat opis bukan main lg dia bila da nampak vending machine dkt dpn pintu..hurm..apa lagi few items yg diorder mcm oreo,roti wajib mmg kegemaran dia.. ;)
pada aku..: anak2 bukan sahaja amanah Allah sebagai khalifah..tapi peneman,..harta yg paling bermakna buat kami..kelahiran sha,..adieb n bakal baby baru on january 2012...mereka adalah harta yg paling bernilai dan bermakna dalam hidup ini..
doakan kebahagiaan kami so blessed with my family..walaupon kdg2 byk ketidaksepurnaan tapi aku sentiasa bersyukur dikelilingi dgn few insan2 yg prihatin.. ;) SYUKUR...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

bila angin rajin datang menderu...ommigod..

its a long hurm for me..sebab hari ni hari semalaysia..and dalam masa yg sama aku dkt opis bekerja dgn hardworkingnya bekerja sambil melayan fb,..melayan resepi..melayan corelle and melayan vantage...haha...
sementara tu my hubby berada di rumah bersama insan2 ku sayang..adieb ngn sha..and ibu nyer bekerja dipejabat hari cuti public holiday..og..whats a life..
ari ni nak citer..
about kejayaan..
dalam hidup ni kadang2 kita kena redha dan is not being happy..actually how we coloured our canvas and actually how we interacted we others disekeliling kita..x kira la parent,husband n spouse,..anak2..kawan2...musuh2...semer yg ada disekeliling kita la..
tapi yg nyata kalo kita ada usaha,usaha dan usaha..dan redha insyaallah ada jer rezeki kita terutama dalam bidang sales ni..jadi dalam masa yg sama,..kita kena byk2 sgt bersabar atas segala ujian dan dugaan dari Dia..insyaallah kita pasti berjaya.. ;)
lately aku sgt gila masak..ngn gila vantage..ntah la..tapi sapa yg x terliur nak tgk vantage..u feel elegant to hold em,..cherish to own them..and also bole simpan sampai anak cucu..memang regenyer mencecah ke 4 digit but for me satisfaction its important..selalu org ckp membazir tp kalo la kita pk jauh3..keje penat2..bagai nak gila kejar sales..aper la sgt kalo kita menghargai diri sendiri..kan..hurm jum sneak pic vantage nak..? owh this two designs ,..will grab by me before maternity...hehehe...tamaknyer cik kak..sampai 2 tue... ;P

this is sweet rose romance series by Vantage.

this is royale england legacy series ..

and kalo uols nak tahu,my beloved sayang shaiful...dia x marah pown nak beli vantage ni..sebab dia mmg tahu suri dia..mmg sker sgt la kumpol benda2 mcm iyer sebenarnyer one of a good reason for me to bekerja keras sedaya upaya..dlm bidang sales line dalam telco..dalam mencari pitih..hehehe..anyway..mungkin lepas ni berblogging lagi..rite nows da lama sgt diam..even blog yg lama pon da berkubur dan deactivate..cuma nuffnang jer x masuk lg...hehe... ;) im blessed to be aroung with a good friends and hearted peoples..and same time..mana2 yg pernah terasa dengan ketajaman yg berlaku sebelooom sorry we learn from mistake..and love all of you. ea... ;)

teaser raya...;)

walaupon da melepasi ramadhan,..and terlambat pos about this,..i just wanna wish all of my friends selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin..this is our raya pic yg tak berapa nak meriah sempena kejadian yg happen on raya ...tapi my kids,me n hubby still prepared for it and always be happy..
and for today,..kandungan saya telah mencecah ke usia 6 bulan..lagi few months to go and after dat adieb n sha akan bertemu sibling yg baru..alhamdullillah,..aku amat happy dan bahagia dengan kehadiran ahli baru,..doakan semuanyer selamat ea.. ;)
adieb firash yg da berusia 2yrs.

i promised both of you we have a good one next year .. ;)

ntah apa yg diceritakan bdk 2org ni..

tgk tu..both of them fill me in and im blessed. alhamdullillah.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

latest of me...20weeks of pregnancy..

Hi, Eien
20 weeks pregnant | due Jan 3rd

Week 20: Half-way to the finish line!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 20

~length10.5 in | 26.5 cm
~weight10.5 oz | 300 g
This week you're carrying around 10.5 inches and 10.5 ounces of solid magical baby goodness!
Your fantastic fetus' fragile tiny bones continue to ossify and toughen while their itsy bitsy finger and toe pads (and unique finger prints) are finishing up.
Your little womb-dancer also has teeth buds sprouting beneath their gum line.
And finally! Your wee one's limbs have reached their relative proportions — no more bobble-head!
Their little pink lips are more defined, and might be helping out in a bit of prenatal thumb-sucking.
If you have a little boy: their tiny testes are descending, though they have not yet passed the abdominal wall.
And in a final anti-alien development: the first of their tiny eyelashes and eyebrows are now present.
Essentially, your little one really does looks like a miniature baby — and we do mean miniature - your little swimmer currently weighs a mere eighth of their birth weight.
Good work mama! You're bakin' a beautiful baby and you're already half-done!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

salam ramadhan al mubaraq.

setelah sekian lama..
maaf a bit bussy with time and kids..
slamat berpuasa yer kawan2..

Monday, February 21, 2011

BALIness sick and updated.

BALI,INDONESIA 11TH FEB2011 - 13TH FEB 2011( kami selamat kembali dengan izinNya..)

enjoy the scrap ..
will come again and visit all the places again insyallah..bali such a great place to enjoy scenery,ocean and also historical places..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

bali..(first day at ngurah rai airport,tanah lot,dinner at jimbaram and at o-ce-n hotel

enjoying our trip to bali..such a great experinence to be there with all the sekepala geng..
and this is our room and waheda.
all of us..

tanah lot,bali,.

bess roomie tanah lot. on first day at bali.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

with luff..

with luff and kids..all of u complete me up..~

i dun mind to loose you as one of my friends..

i just wanted to be ME..either you enjoy to be friends off mine..shouldnt be a problem for you to stay ..if not..and if u thing im not suit with u can always moved on..without you in my life..nothing appreaciate those who irresponsible..and be my friends..and if you not have dat kind of attitude and always want to blame people ...pleasse ..just moved your ass awAy...ahaks!~
purely friendship comes from a transparent relation..always be a side and know how to talk to others in the same time do respect people if you want people to do the same thing towards you..
luff u kak lin,kak zety and wda..

were gonna go to bali..and staying here...yeeha..

gonna stay a picture thankful to my comp dat have sponsored our trip to bali..on mas flight..and staying at kuta hotel.. legion..blesseD!~ we come!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

ym..true stories..

dah lama x tulis blog nie..sorrie have to be away since this month target quit high..first time buat new new package untuk p1..ok ok..x yah citer pasal keje..
mula2 it happen just like up m ym .as known as yahoo messenger..memang perkara yg actually aku x suka nak since one of my best friends need help in her love life situation and chating in fb quit sucks..line error typing error and macam2 la lg..dgn server ym is the best way also to comunicate each other..nak call macam byk la sgt nak bercakap nyer..and since in ym also can have photo sharing byk gak la yg boleh dilakukan disana..
and bila da open ym .of kita sendiri akan mendaftarkan diri masuk chanel..for me it just a fantasy platform untuk sesetengah org untuk kawan dan juga actually ada yg mencari pemangsa..hahaha..
untuk aku yg da berkawen ni..for me ym ni akan menjatuh dan mengugatkan rumahtangga sebab all of nonsense akan bermula disitu..ada yg sang suami mencari kilang ke dua,ke tiga and also skandal2 yg x pernah cukup..ada juga si isteri yg haus and all of the stories begin here..
mengenali seseorg dr chanel perak,pada aku mula2 hanya sebagai ceritera sang jejaka menambat hati aku untuk mengetahui keluhan lanjutan..mula la bertukar2 pic untuk proses pengenalan then..pada mulanyer lg dia memberitahu mempunyai 2 isteri..amboij dgn usia yg amat muda..mengaku usia 28 dan ada 4org anak dan 2 isteri..mak ai..aku rasa cemana boleh jadik kenalan lelaki ini mula la mengatur ayat2 pengenalan yg menarik..then aku da sgt lama di bidang ini..dr usai muda lg aku da bercyber dan aku dpt rasakan ianyer hanya la satu perangkap..
bertukar emel adress numb phone and smsing..(my husband was noe bout this yer)akhirnya 2nd wifenyer menghubungi aku..segala pekung melimpah ruah dicurahkan..memang amat extreme segala masalah yg diluahkan..pada aku ,aku kesian..dgn usia yg amat muda si gadis rupanyer menjadi pemagsa si lelaki td..
dan juga dia x sudah2 meharapkan agar aku x menganggu suami nya td..
adohai wahai 2nd wife ni..kak eien ko ni da bersuami..mempunyai 2 cahayamata..x perlu risau..i will nut jeorpardisekan diri dan masa dan kebahagiaanku untuk sesuatu yg x pasti..hehe
moral of the stories.: ym pada aku platform luahan hanya untuk yg bujang..pada yg berpunya..hargailah keluarga anda..pasangan anda..anak2 anda..lupakan dunia sementara itu wahai kawan2 ku..x perlu untuk mengenali sesuatu yg x pasti and akhirnyer kita sendiri tahu agak sukar jadi hak milik..
it was a fantasy stories..cuma yg meragukan kalau la si suami yg nakal ni tadi berchating and ym dgn 1000 girl dlm malaysia ni..adakah anda akan menjejak setiap seorg dr mereka?ada kalanyer kita perlu juga pikir mengenai kepentingan diri sendiri..dan pada aku..ym hanya sekadar tmpt untuk orang2 menjadi lebih pendusta..dan menipu diri sendiri..


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I LOST HER..and she teach me the feeling to be strong and to be a good mom..

this is a true story that happen in ME>..
were get married with both aged of 26yrs..and after that,our ceremony we are staying apart from family..and in the same time is a kick starts for me to be a wife and a  quick and fast learn to be a good mom. my first pregnancy start of when were still in honeymoon mood.. were get a good news after im showing of my nausea and in the same time i always having fever and not in a good mood. hes bringing me up for check up and both of us just think is a salah makan cases due on the symptom that im having..
after of urine test done at the clinic, dc let us know that im pregnant with our first qaseh love and im goonna become a mom.. the thrill of having a feeling that im gonna get a baby, i was so awesome and i just cant wait to feel the first move the first kick..i always worried to much of the baby im carrying but most of my friends said it just a feeling of be secure and save..being pregnant to fast is not the moment i thought as fast our marriage turn to be a months married with 2weeks baby inside of me..feeling of the joy just cant say with so happy since that up to my pregnancy turns to 3 months old..
i never failed for check up..and even tho with jobs and tans of targets ,im working with symphony,my previous co. and in the same time, i wanted her to have his dad gorgeous big eye, curl hair like me,my love of books and songs..every day on 2nd month and third months pregnancy, i read her a book and always touch my belly vigilantly, ask her to be a good kids ,showered her with all of my love..and never failed for my anmum drinks and vitamins..back on the check up..dc did the ultrasounds and always said she fine and healthy..
and i never expected to LOSE  her..
the night before my 4th c.up i dream of a woman came to me and touch on my stomach..i just feel nothing because after that im awake and just feel might it just a dream..and as usual for check up i will always wake up early,..(will continue..)

copy of notes-confirmation on bali..

Dear all,
CONGRATULATIONS for voting the right choice to join :


Ø Trip is fully sponsored ! Any miscellaneous spending is on your own – Eg : Purchase souveniers, extra individual activities not in itinerary.
Ø Do note there will be no cancellation/pulling out from the trip once confirmed. Should you do so, you’ll be required to pay the penalty sum of your share for the trip.
Ø You’re not allowed to bring Guests/Partners, even if they pay for the trip themselves.
Ø You’re required to submit front-page photocopy of your passport by Thursday to Chai/Shin Li. If you’re unable to do so, please come see us about it.
Ø Reminder on the dates :

KUL – BALI : 11TH February 2011 (Friday)
BALI – KUL : 13th February 2011 (Sunday)

We’ll let you know the itinerary soon.
Patience ;)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

packet1 dinner christmas party at our roof top..

this is the first event that i attend since my entrance with p1..On the day of the dinner everyone of us required to wear green and red as sign of christmas..and just my luck on that particular day i wear a smoke pink colour blouse with black cardi..act i dun wear really chilli red and green its totally an odd colour to me..haha..and on that day our target was getting lesser since everyone was so excited and cant wait to open our christmas gift and having dinner with friends.
sharp at 7pm the management announce on the pick up of number and gift and my lucky numbers was 34..i wonder what if the gift that i gonna get since last minutes present that i gift is a chocolate that bought few hours before the event. im really sorry i dun have time to go and search and as paling senang..that gonna be a simple predictable surprise since we really didnt know who are getting our gift at all.and getting a chocolate from kevin and hes bought it from australia..a dark black choco was so marvelous..its damn yummy and once i bring back and open it up,habis kena makan with this 2 little adorable monster..haha..sayang sha and adieb.
this few picture on attending the chill out dinner and having fun in mids of achieving target..(actually da hit da that time.. ;) their so rock and can join kepala..i really luff to hang around wt buddies sbb mereka x bercakap hal org lain..haha..its totally vice versa with female group..yeah mmight that the only neg part of the team..
as well..enjoying the picture..
i just cant wait to post more..and also cant wait to post bout our team in Bali,indonesia..
this is fazulie and syazwan

erin,iman and kak lela..

adorable guy dkt p1.(ahaks..)

from rooftop of p1

Add caption

me and kak zety..(my bestie)

<3 diari cinta ibu..xoxo.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

~ I LOVE FACEBOOK.(.cannut tipu laa..)